Where sisters give help, seek help, and get help. A place to put your projects for advice, show off, or a sense of accomplishment

Thursday, September 15, 2011

mirror mirror on the wall....

Okay, I had issues uploading these, so I'm not sure how they will show up on the blogger. 

SO. Parade of Homes. My most favorite time of year! 
I love the ideas I get! I've been wanting to do something for the niches by the TV since we moved in. I plopped some picture frames just because and haven't touched it since. 

Here's the clean slate
And some inspiration pictures...
(Loved the mini cupboard)

And some inspiration pictures...
(Loved the mini cupboard)

And here's what I did:
um...it doesn't look good. why?! Is it the dark wood contrasts with the oak? should I paint the frames cream? Should I paint the cupboards? (YES PLEASE. and that's Dan laughing in the background)

These are two different styles to try out. Are they too big? should I go square or rectangle?
I think I'm leaning towards this one...

So I tried accesorizing with what I have. (not much. The candle sticks are too wimpy, but I like the greenery....probably in a lighter pot. 

I could put something like this by it too...

Okay, and some other favorites, so I can "pin" them on pinterest. :) 

Love the hanging shear by the bathtub. 

They just painted the wall, so it looks seamless and part of the furniture. 

LOVED this entry way with the built-ins on the side. 

The built-in

More built-ins in the bedrooms upstairs. LOVE THEM!

I want to make something like this for here:
(This is the front entry way. I would like something to put on top or in the square canister thingy. I was hoping to find a cone form to stuff artificial stems in to create a topiary, but they aren't large enough. So, then I thought about a tomato cage thing. I haven't found one the right side, but it might work! :) Any ideas?

And finally....
Gorgeous fireplace and decorating.

A few more parade homes to go to this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Okay . .
    So my vote is for the funky looking one . . . and I didn't think I'd say this . . .but I think you should hang them up on the wall, instead of just resting them in there. And maybe you could hang a color . . .uhm. . i'm just going to call you . . .
