Okay, I Need some help. This room has got me. I want to decorate other areas in our home that I have inspiration for, but Dan wants this one done first, because it is the first thing people see.
I've labeled the pictures for reference purposes, so I'm not reposting pictures and making this LONGER than it is.
Picture A:
(The view from the front door)
How about a LARGE clock that centers in the peak of the vaulted ceiling?
Picture B:
(Looking in from the Kitchen)
Picture C:
(The front door, from the corner by the piano) Notice the vaulted ceiling, and the bajilion angles. WHERE to paint?! I thought about a smaller console table behind the front door, or a half circle one, with a large mirror above it? Or just a large vase/plant in the corner by the closet?
Picture D:
Picture E:
Picture F:
Any thoughts on what to put above the piano? I don't like the smaller pictures. I was thinking a large clock or a LARGE family picture with wall scones on either side?
Or, I could hang this clock on the outside of the wall, that goes too the kitchen. so you can see it from the kitchen AND the living room.
(Okay, I couldn't get it to load, but it's one of those double sided trains-station like clocks. )
Would you paint this wall? Leave the trim part on top a cream, so it looks like trim? or leave it alone.
Some things to keep in mind:
1) ONLY the piano MUST stay.
2) The couch was given to us. We love it because it is super comfy, so probably won't replace it in the next year, but it is not a permanent fixture.
3) I need something to store my music, and piano teaching stuff.
4) What walls do I paint?
This is a console table found at Walmart. I like the tall doors, for a place to stash music, and the drawers for my little things: flashcards, metronome, stickers, etc.
Another option:
I would also use the space for what I have previously kept here:

This is the round table in the corner by the couch, as seen in PICTURE B. The table would go under neath the window where the two lone chairs are currently.
So, I was thinking of scooting the piano towards the tile area, and opening up the corner and putting something like this in the corner:
(I like the rug also, but might be too bland?)
For painting I like this idea:
I like the color also. I noticed how well it went with the oak mantel. I would put this on the wall that continues on into the kitchen.
Some "inspiration pieces" I like:
I would like a coffee table, but Dan thinks it will make the room feel to crowded. Opinions?!
OKay, that's all for now. ANY imput would be awesome...via comments or e-mail?